Green, Creative Ways to Wrap Presents
Unique Containers for Gift Baskets: Make the Container Part of the Gift
Why do we always put gift basket items in a basket? Because baskets are creative and useful containers? Here's a gift basket idea that makes the container part of a personalized gift. Below is a list of alternative gift containers.
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How to Choose a Christmas Tree
A Christmas tree is a Christmas tree, right? Wrong. There are several different varieties of evergreen grown for use as Christmas trees. Here is a guide to choosing a Christmas tree, based on style, allergic properties, ease of decoration and cost.
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How to Keep Cats Safe and Warm in Winter
I'm like Siegfried Farnon, the vet in James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small. I don't believe people should own pets but I have three cats, a guinea pig and a gecko. Winter presents several problems for indoor and outdoor pets.
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How to Keep Pipes and Plumbing from Freezing in Winter Ice and Snow
My husband and I live for ten years of our marriage in a mobile home. One of the common maintenance problems in mobile home is frozen plumbing and pipes in winter. Here is what we have learned to do to prevent pipes from freezing.
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Green Car Air-Conditioner Maintenance Tips

Air Conditioners are not green or eco-friendly to begin with; but they are very useful. Car AC's are one of the first things to go wrong with a car. How can we use the car AC responsibly? Here are green, safe car AC tips
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Green, Non-toxic Jewelry and Silver Polish

Silver cleaning and polishing compounds can be some of the most toxic chemicals in your craft cupboard or home. Many of crafting friends use silver polish for their crafts. Here's a green solution for silver polishing and cleaning. Gel toothpaste. Cheap, non-toxic, safe and green. For even safer, greener toothpaste silver polish, choose Tom's of Maine, Kiss my Face or other organic toothpaste. Read on...
Green Miracle Stain Remover in Your Bathroom Cupboard

Green Clean with Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide: stain remover, whitener, cleaner, germ-killer, sanitizer, oxy clean, green, eco-friendly, safe, natural and cheap! Get a 50 cent bottle of hydrogen peroxide for laundry, bathroom, kitchen, nursery and clean green!
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Spring Cleaning: Easy Tips

Spring Cleaning: Sanity Saving Tips
How do you spring clean without tears? Very simple. It's as easy as 1-2-3. First, don't let the mess get out of hand. Second, break tasks down into bite-sized pieces. Third, learn to live with imperfection.
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Plant a Memory Garden
Easter, Mother's Day, Earth Day, Spring, Memorial Day...all excellent reasons and seasons to plant a memory garden. Create a lasting tribute to loved ones who have passed away. Flowers, plants, bushes and trees are an ideal green memorial. Tips for choosing garden statuary, bird feeders, garden and patio furniture, too. Read on...
Earth Day Activities

Free Earth Day Lesson Plan
Celebrate Earth Day with a gift to Mother Nature. Create sculptures and works of art from recycled material and trash. Make a design that teaches us about the importance of our earth and our responsibility to it.
Spring Flower Gardens:Choosing Annual Plants

How to Choose Annual Flowers for Spring Planting
Gardening and floral arrangements are the perfect green crafts. As you plan your garden, here are several tips to follow when selecting annual plants and flowers for spring planting.
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Indoor Gardening with Children~ Green and Easy

Gardening Indoors with Children: Classroom or Home
Gardening is a healthy, green activity for children. Gardening can only be done outside though, right? Good news! Here is a great gardening project that you can organize right in your own home or classroom!
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